Legal Malpractice Conflict of Interest

When to Seek Legal Advice for a Conflict of Interest Case

Your lawyer is obligated to prioritize your interests without any conflicting loyalties. However, a conflict of interest may arise if your attorney’s judgement on your case is influenced by loyalty to another client, a party, personal interests, or external relationships. This breach of duty could provide grounds for a legal malpractice claim if it affects the outcome of your case.

When people are in need of legal services, they hire a lawyer to help safeguard their rights in a legal malpractice action. While most people think of attorneys as reacting against the infringement of rights inflicted by others, they can compromise the rights of their clients through conflicts.

Protecting Your Rights

If you have experienced a financial injury due to your attorney engaging in an unethical practice, you have a right to be compensated just as you would if another’s negligence caused you a physical injury. In these types of situations, enlisting the help of a legal malpractice lawyer can get the compensation you deserve.

A Conflict of Interest Case

Get Help Recouping Your Losses Caused By A Lawyer’s Conflict Of Interest

If your claim or the amount of your recovery has been compromised because your lawyer had a conflict of interest, speak with James Traut at the Traut Firm by calling 714-835-7000. You can also contact us online. Consultations are free and confidential.