Traut Firm - Case Results

Our Injury Case Results

Since 1978 Traut Firm has handled thousands of injury cases for clients, helping them get the compensation they deserve. Here are some recent results:

Recent Settlements


Loss of leg in bike v. truck/disputed liability.


Runaway trailer v. auto resulting in brain injury.


Fraudulent behavior toward contractor.


Bus v. pedestrian.


Legal malpractice policy limit.


Falling gate not properly being secured. Settled for policy limit.


Auto accident with back injuries. Settled for policy limit.


Wheelchair locking brake failure. Re-injury of prior condition.


Motorcycle death vs. truck/disputed liability. Settled for policy limit.


Car struck by Sheriff’s patrol car.

Recent Verdicts


Uninsured employer case involving horse injury. No offer.


Auto v. Auto case with $1,500 offer.


Auto v. Auto case with $10,000 offer.


Auto v. pedestrian involving head injury with $100,000 offer.


Horse bite case involving partial loss of finger with $25,000 offer.


Electrocution of father with $20,000 initial offer.


Legal malpractice case with $25,000 offer.


Construction accident involving closed head trauma with $5,000 offer.


Disneyland injury with $2,500 offer.


Victim of drunk driver accident with $100,000 offer.


Couple injured in auto collision. No offer.