Coronavirus Update – Office Meetings and Courthouse

To be cautious and minimize risk, Traut Firm is reducing in-person office meetings, but our office is still open and will remain so unless the Governor of California puts us on lockdown. Our attorneys are still available 24/7 by email. We often speak with new clients by telephone and review cases for retention. We accomplish the exchange of documents by email.

Orange County courthouses are closed to the public through March 27, 2020. This includes all branch courts In Newport Beach, Fullerton and Westminster, as well as the main court in Santa Ana.

Residents who have received jury summons for that period will not be required to appear for jury duty.

Court officials in Orange County have significantly reduced the number of jurors summoned to trials and have suspended all civil trials involving more than $25,000 until May 1.

Attorneys will be making civil appearances via an audio-video call-in software system or telephone through the end of April and personal appearances, once they are allowed again, will be permitted in hearings or trials where witnesses are expected to testify.

The court has postponed all traffic arraignments and small claims cases for 45 days.

Court officials have extra workers cleaning doors, elevators, stair rails and other frequently touched surfaces.

We will continue serving clients and meeting in person whenever necessary. As always, if you have any questions or need to speak with an experienced attorney at Traut Firm for any legal needs, feel free to contact us at 714-835-7000.